News Update 176

17-09-2021 News Update 176

Hello, Calvin here…….


I usually offer my One-To-One students a proven step-by-step training process of all the functions and tools which they have to master in order to fully understand a specialist software programme such as Adobe Illustrator.

But sometimes, a designer may want to have customised classes with me. They know all the tools and functions but still find it challenging to follow the correct steps to get a desired design outcome.

Just in the past week, I had a designer who wanted to transform a specific image of a falcon into a design that had to look as if it was etched out of an engraving plate and printed. It was to appear as packaging label with various colour options depending on the product.

As a designer software expert as well as a Graphic Designer for many years, I could use my experience and customise a special course for my client so that she would know the exact steps to take to reach the end results (see the image on the right).

Should you want One-To-One Specialist Design Software Training by a Graphic Design Expert like myself , whether a beginner course or an advanced course which I can customise to your specific requirements, then send me a WhatsApp on 084 394 4325

In my One-To-One training classes, I teach you the industry relevant content in an ordered, step-by-step way so that you are not “all over the place” learning from irrelevant self-study material that does not focus on the basics first and foremost.

My Planning and customising of your course and design exercises (homework) is essential so that applying what you have learned can be demonstrated in practical examples which will be relevant to your job.

Now you will feel more and more empowered as the software functions/tools start to make sense to you and you gain confidence with the programme because of the planning and input of the expert who is showing you one-to-one the best methods to use.

There is a saying that there are many roads that lead to Rome but surely you want to take the easiest and quickest road with someone who is experienced and knows the route to take and can explain it to you in an understandable step-by-step method which is ideal for you as an individual to grasp and implement.


Find out more about my ONE-TO-ONE computer software training courses…

Whether you want to learn in the mornings, evenings or over a Saturday/Sunday morning, please reply to this email newsletter and I will be there to help you get started.

Computer graphic software like CORELDRAW /ILLUSTRATOR/ PHOTOSHOP and AutoCAD / REVIT / SOLIDWORKS is best learned if you get trained ONE-TO-ONE BY AN EXPERT in a SAFE, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT.

View my mny one-to-one course training offers here:

Calvin’s School Training Venue:
Tygerberg Art Centre
Du Toit St
Glenlily, Parow,
Cape Town

Calvin’s House Centre Venue:
37 Van Eyssen St
Glenlily, Parow,
Cape Town


Well, friends, that’s all from me for today, have an great week!

Reply to this email & enrol today because getting ahead in your career, matters!

Calvin Dorman
084 632 6622