News Update 184
21-01-2022 News Update 184
Hello, Calvin here again.
Unemployment in South Africa, has hit record levels, with young people the hardest hit.
The new data reveal that about 7.8 million South Africans were out of a job in the second quarter of this year, the highest rate since 2008, according to Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) data released Tuesday.
The unemployment rate now stands at a record high of 34.4%, one of the highest levels in the world.
To make matters worse, an article I read in the recent Sunday Times shows that school leavers now only need 30% to pass matric (not 50% as in the past).
This is all shocking to me but no surprise.
I want to encourage you to spread the news that at my small college,
Calvin Academy, we only charge a small monthly fee of R1800 per month while at other colleges you pay almost double.
Go to my website and look at our offer as this is the solution to get our young people employed as Digital Designers.
Technology is the future and our young people must be educated with skills in this field but unfortunately many public schools do not focus on IT as much as they should nor is the level of training dood enough.
Go to my website now:
View the content and download our 2022 Prospective.
If you know of a young person that you believe will benefit then plse let them contact me asap because our Classes starts 1 Fed 2022.
(only a few weeks/days left for enrolment).
At CalvinAcademy I continue to price my courses low while every year I raise the bar in providing the best teaching and industry level skills for my students.
I want to make it affordable for every parent whose child is talented or shows an interest in graphic design to attend my college and take hold of career opportunities that comes our way through my digital design business, RedDrum.
I want every young person to have a vision for their career and not just drift from job to job with no clear goal in mind.
Find out more about my specialist computer software training courses…
Whether you want to learn in the mornings, evenings or over a Saturday/Sunday morning, please reply to this email newsletter and I will be there to help you get started.
Computer Graphic software like CORELDRAW /ILLUSTRATOR/ PHOTOSHOP and AutoCAD / REVIT / SOLIDWORKS is best learned if you get trained ONE-TO-ONE BY AN EXPERT in a SAFE, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT.
Find ourt more about my computer software college training for young people from my website here:
Calvin’s Training Venue:
37 Van Eyssen Road, Glenlily,
Cape Town,
South Africa,
Well, friends, that’s all from me for today, have an great week!
Reply to this email & enrol today because getting ahead in your career, matters!
Calvin Dorman
084 394 4325