News Update 185

28-01-2022 News Update 185

Don’t sell yourself short in 2022

Whatever you want to achieve in your career or studies this year…you have to be passionate about it.

If we love our work and give more effort than we are paid for, one day we will reap the rewards and get paid for more than we give.

Here’s my firm belief. We will get paid more for who we are and do than merely for what we do. Let me explain…

It requires great courage to know and believe in your own creativitylove, skills, knowledge and experience – all the intangible things that can’t be touched or counted – and to ask for money in exchange. It is also the greatest of all fulfilments to support ourselves financially from our own gifts.

Money comes in exchange for some service rendered. A great way to realize how simple it is to bring money into your life is to be aware of the simple formula of all financial transactions.

It is: I render you some service, using my talents and energy with the intention of making your life more rewarding and fulfilled. And then in exchange you pay me what is regarded as a fair exchange
(market price).

It is remarkably simple, yet we can get in such a knot because of all the emotion we attach to the transaction: we don’t feel we have anything to offer, we don’t feel good enough, we don’t feel we can charge or deserve money in return, or we feel guilty about wanting, needing or receiving money.

Realize that your way of rendering a service is unique.
No other person can bring the same enthusiasm and passion in performing the work that you offer – not to mention your experience (track-record).

Have you noticed when you are buying something at a shop or exchanging money for a service (restaurant, etc) that, if the person serving you is highly skilled and energised with passion, you walk away feeling that it was money well spent. And in the same way, if the opposite happens, you feel you have not received the full value you were expecting.

It is my belief that one has to constantly evaluate yourself and ask yourself: Have I truly given my very best to my client and to my work.  And also: Have I exceeded in the expectations of my clients, manager or boss.

Always make it a goal to give such great service that not only will clients recommend your services to their friends, but could end up being your personal ‘go-to person’ when they need help.

Wealth lies, more importantly, in the amount of genuine friendships you have made, rather than the amount of money you have accumulated over the years. Yet, when it comes to receiving money for work well done, don’t ever sell yourself short when you are responsible and known for exceptional value and service.


Find ourt more about my Digital Design College for young people from my website here:


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Whether you want to learn in the mornings, evenings or over a Saturday/Sunday morning, please reply to this email newsletter and I will be there to help you get started.

Computer Graphic software like CORELDRAW /ILLUSTRATOR/ PHOTOSHOP and AutoCAD / REVIT / SOLIDWORKS is best learned if you get trained ONE-TO-ONE BY AN EXPERT in a SAFE, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT.

Calvin’s Training Venue:
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Cape Town,
South Africa,


Well, friends, that’s all from me for today, have an great week!

Reply to this email & enrol today because getting ahead in your career, matters!

Calvin Dorman
084 394 4325

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Calvin Dorman – Owner