News Update 237
31-03-2023 News Update 237
Hello, Calvin here again.
SELF-BELIEF is a character trait any entrepreneur must have to experience sustained success in their business. Yet many people overlook it.
When the question is asked: What are the qualities I need to be successful in my business, you will find that many of the experts will list the following: leadership, persistence, innovative, self-motivated and highly skilled. Yet many overlook , the fact that you need to have loads and loads of SELF-BELIEF.
Why is this? Because that is your “staying-power”. It is that part of you that simply won’t give up when others in business will throw in the towel when things go pear-shaped. Instead of saying “what have I learned; what can I do differently next time” , they say “ I should never have started in the first place”.
If you are thinking about getting ahead in your career and want to show your employer (or new job interviewer) that you are currently booked for a specialist software course related to your industry….then…achieving your course certificate would be easy if you realize that any success in life is a series of small achievable steps.
The way to see these steps (small goals) is to picture a pond with stepping stones to get across.
Many people want to take one giant leap to get across the water but that way you are most likely to get one of your feet wet as you may not be able to get across entirely as you had wished.
I often use this analogy because if your teacher is patient and an expert in their field of expertise like I am….then….you will be guided with care every step of the way.
Each stepping stone that you successfully reach will be well planned out for you so that the course you are taking is teaching you the industry relevant content in an ordered, step-by-step way so that you are not “all over the place” learning from irrelevant self-study material that does not focus on the basics first and foremost.
Planning and customising your course and design excersises (homework) by your lecturer is essential so that applying what you have learned can be demonstrated in practical examples which will be relevant to your job and that your lecturer has customised for you.
There is a saying that there are many roads that lead to Rome but surely you want to take the easiest and quickest road with someone who is experienced and knows the route to take and can explain it to you in an understandable step-by-step method which is ideal for you as an individual to grasp and implement.
Visit my CalvinAcademy Website and download the 2023 Prospectus by clicking the link below
Find out more about my Digital Design College for young people from my website here:
Find out more about my specialist computer software training courses…
Whether you want to learn in the mornings, evenings or over a Saturday/Sunday morning, please reply to this email newsletter and I will be there to help you get started.
Computer graphic software like CORELDRAW /ILLUSTRATOR/ PHOTOSHOP and AutoCAD / REVIT / SOLIDWORKS is best learned if you get trained ONE-TO-ONE BY AN EXPERT in a SAFE, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT.
Training venue address:
37 Van Eyssen Street
Well, friends, that’s all from me for today, have an great week!
Reply to this email & enrol today because getting ahead in your career, matters!
Calvin Dorman
084 394 4325
Visit My IllustratorClass Website by clicking the link below
Owner : Calvin Dorman