News Update 269

16-11-2023 News Update 269

Hello, Calvin here again.


Have you met people like this?  I have and I always think to myself “WOW” I wish I had that kind of drive within myself”.

Speed is important in any business today.  Technology makes companies more successful in a shorter period of time compared to 10 years ago.

So now is the time, I believe, when we should revisit our goals and ask ourselves why have we not achieved our goals yet.  Why does things take longer for us to happen compared to others with similar goals. Most of the reasons are because we are not taking advantage of the speed of doing business that technology offers. And we are not learning the courses to become tech-educated.

Do we know the latest software related to our industry or are we still “old-school”.
The best way to overcome any “delayed dream” is to start the learning process again. 

A commitment to continuous learning is the way we refine our plans and abilities. 
Once we have the right tech-skills and are more goal-driven again, then circumstances will change. We must find ourselves “impatient” again to make things happen even faster in our careers or business.
As the owner of Calvin Academy, I also lecture all about Entrepreneurship and leadership to my students.  In one of my recent lectures, I stressed the importance of always being fully prepared.  This preparation includes keeping your computer design skills current and “sharp”.

You cannot “wake up” and realize you need specific software skills related to your industry when the opportunity presents itself.  Then it is already too late.

To learn new skills takes time and money.  You have to save up and plan for a course well in advance.  Attempting to learn “instantly” with a few YouTube videos is not going to equip you
with the skills you require when a new client project arises.

You must be aware of the trends in your industry and prepare for it now, so when the opportunity arises in the future, then you are already fully prepared and the success of the outcome is more likely than trying to rush into any new challenge.

I personally help my young graduates overcome these 2 barriers by ensuring that their CV and reference letters are professional and clear and then I connect with the prospective owners myself and promote them.

In this way they are able to by-pass any manager who confuses young as being inexperienced and immature.

This means that I make an effort to connect with companies looking for digital designers to maintain their eCommerce site and maintain their Social Media Marketing as well.

You are also welcome to visit my college website to find out more about my mission/vision to get young people in the community on track with their career as soon as possible.

Go to:



Visit my CalvinAcademy Website and download the 2024 Prospectus by clicking the link below

Find out more about my Digital Design College for young people from my website here:



Find out more about my specialist computer software training courses…

Whether you want to learn in the mornings, evenings or over a Saturday/Sunday morning, please reply to this email newsletter and I will be there to help you get started.
Computer graphic software like CORELDRAW /ILLUSTRATOR/ PHOTOSHOP and AutoCAD / REVIT / SOLIDWORKS is best learned if you get trained ONE-TO-ONE BY AN EXPERT in a SAFE, HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT.

Training venue address:
37 Van Eyssen Street


Well, friends, that’s all from me for today, have an great week!

Reply to this email & enrol today because getting ahead in your career, matters!

Calvin Dorman
084 394 4325

Visit my CalvinAcademy Website and download the 2024 Prospectus by clicking the link below

CalvinAcademy’s (Calvin Dorman) Graphic Design Students at The CoffeeHAUL-ic! 🎓☕ Nestled in Monte Vista, this enchanting coffee haven captivated their senses with expertly crafted brews and a vibrant atmosphere.

Graphics One-To-One Training. Visit my website and find out more software training
we offerby clicking the link below:

Owner : Calvin Dorman

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